House Design & Decor Game


The game for all home design lovers
with new design challenges every day.


Redecor Design

Get inspired by our latest Redecor online game design challenges and see what materials were used to get that five star winning design! From fellow Redecorators to you. Check it out!

The splash screen for the game this month


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Explore Modern Luxury and Modern Art Deco Designs this Season with Helen, an architect specializing in Luxury. Helen's here to remind you that YOU are your most valuable asset!

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Best ideas for decor and interior design

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In this helpful guide, we give you the rundown of everything you need to know about small bedroom decor, from the right color choices, to the right furniture, to inspiration for organization and storage, to solid lighting, mirrors and more!


Meet our


Carmeon Hamilton

"Every day is an opportunity to love the way you live"

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You can help yourself create positive and relaxing moments through interior designing as well. The key is to choose something you love, that makes you feel good, and stick with it.

Relax with Redecor

You can help yourself create positive and relaxing moments through online interior designing as well. The key is to choose something you love, that makes you feel good, and stick with it.

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Genevieve Gorder for Redecor

Exclusive interview

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Redecor game?


Redecor is an inspiring and relaxing online game that allows you to develop your Interior Decor skills while creating your dream decor. As a Redecor Designer, you get new Design Challenges every day! Read the Design Brief and impress other fellow Redecorators by choosing the best combinations of colors, textures, and materials. Vote for other players’ designs and make an impact on the results. Playing Redecor is relaxing, fun, and it also boosts creativity! Join our community, share your designs, and become an inspiring Home Designer🙌

Can I play Redecor on my laptop/pc?


Redecor is supported by smartphones, tablets and now also desktop version is available!

What is season pass?


The game is divided into one-month seasons. Every Season has new & unique rewards in terms of cash, gold, and materials, which you can unlock on your way up. You’ve got 30 levels to climb up for one month if you want to reach the top (and to collect all the rewards on the way)!

There are two ways to join the race: you can either follow the Free Rewards path OR the Season Pass path by purchasing the seasonal Season Pass. After the month ends, the Season ends, and your level is 0 again. You always get to keep all the materials and rewards you’ve collected so far! With Season Pass, you don’t receive all of the rewards instantly, but while climbing up the levels.

For more detailed information about the Season Pass, please check out the section “Season Pass Questions”!

How does the voting system work on Redecor game?


When you submit your design, it is assigned to a group of 9 other designs and goes to voting. During the voting, it is randomly paired with other designs from your group only. Every time it is paired with a different design from your group.

Our ratings are based only on other players’ votes, and the final ranking gets decided by the amount of stars each design has obtained. In case two designs get the same score, the player with a higher design value (=how much Cash and Gold they’ve used for the materials) gets ranked higher.

What is design value?


Design Value means the value of Cash and Gold used in the room. Once you submit your design, you will get the same amount of XP (experience points).

How can Redecor game help me design and décor my home?


Redecor is an inspiring and relaxing game that allows you to develop your Interior Decor skills while creating your dream decor. As a Redecor Designer, you get new Design Challenges every day! Read the Design Brief and impress other fellow Redecorators by choosing the best combinations of colors, textures, and materials. Vote for other players’ designs and make an impact on the results. Playing Redecor is relaxing, fun, and it also boosts creativity! Join our community, share your designs, and become an inspiring Home Designer 🙌

Where to get décor and home design ideas?


Redecor blog is an excellent source of decor and home design inspiration.
Redecor keeps you updated on the latest home decor trends and evergreen designs. The best part is - you can practice your skills in the Redecor game straight away!

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